Saturday, December 14, 2013

Podcast, My Experience

It has been my experience that the use of social media has enriched my life on a level I had never previously experienced before. The speed at which I can receive or give fast information surprises me still. I can see how many people look at, like, tweet, re-tweet or respond to messages, pictures or videos I am interested in. The access I have to other people is leaps and bounds ahead of the old fashion way of calling someone up and setting up a meeting. I can now follow people in my industry or other areas of interest by simply following them. I can get daily tweets from success people like Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks and a star on Shark Tank that I follow on twitter. I also get motivated by following Gary Vaynerchuk, a motivational speaker I follow on Facebook. Taking information from those and other successful people on how they build their business on a daily basis encourages me to reach out to people in the same fashion through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, podcasts and blogs. This technology is not going away and it will become faster and more improved every day. It is time to jump on the band wagon!


  1. Edgar, I would have to agree with your post. I follow several blogs that I really enjoy. I also follow people on Twitter and Facebook. All of the social media outlets provide ideas, inspiration and news. I really enjoy feeling connected to the world. Although, sometimes I feel over stimulated and have to unplug.

  2. Edgar, I have to agree that social media has made many more people and ideas accessible to the general public. It is with great ease that people are able to follow leaders on twitter or social media. Conversely, it is also easier for people to reach out and gain an audience when they might not have been able to do so in the past. Great post and blog!
